
Melkbos Athletic Club

MAC AGM - Important Information

Our 2024 Melkbos Athletic Club AGM is just around the corner. Below you will see Job Descriptions for all the committee positions available, as well as those volunteers currently in the position. As a committee, we urge you to volunteer some of your time by being a part of the committee for 2024, thereby ensuring that this wonderful club continues to grow from strength to strength. It is only through MAC members putting up their hands that we were able to achieve the wonderful things we have in the past - and look forward and imagine even greater things for the future. Any position, regardless of whether there is a current incumbent, can receive nominations. Once a nomination is received, the nominee will be contacted to confirm their acceptance of the nomination.
Please send all nominations to Gawie van der Schyf at


083 556 5746

Committee Positions - JOB DESCRIPTIONS


  • Ultimately responsible for the strategy, vision and functioning of the Melkbos Athletic Club.
  • Ensure all necessary tasks for day to day running of the activities of the club are carried out.
  • Facilitate Committee and General meetings ensuring that they are run efficiently and effectively.
  • Preside at all meetings including the Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings
  • A thorough knowledge and implementation of the Club constitution.
  • Attending and representing Melkbos Athletic Club at all WPA (Western Province Athletics) meetings and events.
  • Act as a signatory for the Club in all legal and financial matters and monitor the Club’s bank account - in particular payments made.
  • Serve as a spokesperson for the Club when required.
  • Submit an annual report to the Club at the Annual General Meeting
  • Ensure growth within Melkbos Athletic Club. Promoting innovative and progressive ideas for continued evolution an growth of the Club.
  • Ensuring the Club is in good standing and complying with WPA rules and regulations.
  • Meeting MAC members’ needs.
  • team-1

    Karlien Fourie

    Current Chairperson


  • Financial Officer works closely with the Chairperson and shall monitor and review all aspects of financial control.
  • Responsible for carrying out financial transactions as directed by the Club committee, keeping, and maintaining all Club financial records and keeping the Club informed of its financial position throughout the year.
  • Administer all financial affairs of the Club.
  • Maintain accurate financial records and prepare financial statements (e.g. profit and loss statement / budget etc.).
  • Present a financial report to the Club committee at Club meetings.
  • Act as an authorized signatory for the Club bank account and monitor the account in particular payments made.
  • team-1

    Heidi Scott-Hayward

    Current Treasurer


  • The Secretary is one of the primary roles of the Club and is responsible for effective administration.
  • The Secretary is the integral link between the Club members, committee members and sports bodies.
  • Maintain records of the Committee and ensure effective management of Club's records.
  • Maintain the Club membership list.
  • Maintain an up-to-date copy of the constitution of the Club and other appropriate records.
  • Monitor all correspondence both inwards and outwards.
  • Formulate and update the Club’s calendar of events Club meetings.
  • Convene all meetings, book meeting rooms, and send out invites.
  • Draw up the meeting agenda with the President and provide supporting papers.
  • Minute meetings and make sure they are correct.
  • team-2

    Di Duggan

    Stand-in Secretary

    Licensing/Clothing Officer

  • Ordering of ASA licenses annually and throughout year if necessary.
  • Allocating ASA licenses to members in good standing.
  • Assisting members to register with ASA and transferring of member to and from the Club.
  • Maintain an up-to-date ASA membership list.
  • Ordering of Club kit and ensuring enough sizes in stock.
  • Keeping an up-to-date Clothing list of in stock and allocated Club kit.
  • Cross referencing payments with treasurer regarding ASA licenses and Club kit.
  • team-2

    Kelly Davis

    Current License/Clothing Officer

    Communications Officer

  • Managing Website with up-to-date events, news, and important information.
  • Uploading information, news, and pictures on all social media. Ensuring a constant relevant and up-to-date social media presence.
  • Communicating relevant Club information to all WhatsApp groups.
  • Managing online membership subscriptions, ASA licenses and relevant online payments.
  • Assisting club members with online subscriptions and payments.
  • Compiling of “The MAC Chat” newsletter quarterly.
  • Promoting technological growth and keeping up to date with new technologies that MAC can benefit from.

  • Position Open

    Communications Officer

    Club Captains

  • Organizing and attending scheduled club runs like Capaia runs, Saturday pack runs, time trials, Hillbillies and trail runs. Captains may alternate attendance.
  • Posting on WhatsApp groups of upcoming road and trial races.
  • Communicates with fellow team members, and provide motivation, support and advice where needed.
  • Assisting club members with running programs.
  • Planning of new and inventive ways to keep the runners engaged.
  • Setting up gazebo at major races in support of runners – support to take on this role in future.
  • Attends Club committee meetings and represent the views of the athletes.
  • Encourages Club members to be involved in social and voluntary activities.
  • Welcomes new members to the Club.
  • team-2

    Di Duggan

    Club Captain

    Gawie van der Schyf

    Club Captain

    Maryke Fourie

    Trail Captain

    Charl du Plessis

    Trail Captain

    Suzaan Schoeman

    Vice Women's Captain

    Gordon Harvey

    Vice Men's Captain

    Social Committee

  • To organise social functions, such as a monthly braais/Annual General meeting/Oceans and Comrades pasta evening/year end function and any other social events during the year.
  • To book venues, culturally appropriate catering and entertainment as required.
  • To promote upcoming events, information, and races on all social media and WhatsApp groups.
  • Organizing Buses and catering for major races.
  • Taking and sharing running and social pictures on all social media.
  • Social secretary will set an Enthusiastic and fun tone in the Club.
  • Generating new and inventive ideas for bringing members together and instilling a sense of excitement in the Club.
  • team-3

    Riaan Pretorius

    Social Committee

    Position Open

    Social Committee

    Support Teamlead

  • Providing support and lending a hand at formal MAC events.
  • Assisting with Gazebo set up at major races.
  • Organising for and manning of water tables and runners support at organized long runs.

  • Position Open

    Support Teamlead

    Race Director

  • Ensures all volunteers within the team are working effectively together to produce an event to Melkbos Athletic Club Race standards based on WPA standard operating procedures.
  • Sends regular updates and reports to the MAC Committee.
  • Direct oversight of various positions including the Head Marshal, Sponsorship, Health and Safety, Local municipal departments, Marketing, Sponsorships. Indirectly oversees 10 - 20 race staff at an event.
  • Manages all onsite initiatives with guidance from MAC Committee or as directed internally.
  • Approves all onsite spending and ensures adherence to the budget.
  • Manages all race-day communication, including all radio traffic.
  • Ensures the approved vision and plan for the event is carried through by the team producing the event.
  • Ensures the medical team is operating effectively based on their required scope of work.
  • Oversees the development and execution of all load-in and race-day operational plans including weather response plans, zone management plans, transportation plans, vehicle use plans, communication plans and volunteer management plans.
  • Leads all onsite meetings and pre-race operational briefs.
  • Is an excellent leader who is uniquely in-tune with pulse of the team.
  • Accountable for the success or failure of the event.
  • Able to manage various personalities in challenging and stressful environments and deal with HR related issues on behalf of Melkbos Athletic Club.
  • Maintains a positive working relationship with the venue, local municipal departments (permits, police, fire), and vendors to ensure a long-term relationship and successful event while keeping Melkbos Athletic Club's best interests in mind.
  • Proactively seeks to identify and fix all potential issues that would prevent having a successful event.
  • Understand the various pieces of equipment, safety, and application of each.
  • Manages all pre-race emails and communication to the staff attending the event.
  • Works with other departments to ensure a successful event including procurement, advanced planning, legal, and finance.
  • Participates in all inter-department calls required for this position.

  • Position Open

    Race Director

    "Your Pace. Your Race. Our Club."